Everything we do represents us

Nella nostra azienda il passato incontra il presente in un naturale fluire di storie ed eventi. Da sempre innamorata della propria terra, Elodia Severini ha valorizzato i terreni ricevuti in eredità da suo padre "Don Mario Severini" ampliando la coltivazione delle piante di olivo. Ha trasformato 12 ettari della collina denominata "Boccafolle", a 380 m di altitudine, in una fiorente piantagione caratterizzata dalla presenza di diverse cultivar: Carolea, Nocellara del Belice, Roggianella e numerose altre cultivar tipicamente italiane. La figlia Valeria continua l'attività iniziata da Elodia con passione e dedizione.

The stages of production

Every moment of the production process is followed with dedication, from the care of the plants to the moment our Extra Virgin Olive Oil arrives on your tables


We encourage the growth of wild herbs which stimulate greater soil fertility and protect it from erosion

"early October"

The harvest begins in October when the fruits, still green, are richer in biophenols and able to best release the herbaceous scents of the olives

within a few hours after the harvest

We choose mills that guarantee meticulous cleaning of the machinery and the choice of perfectly healthy olives

“the scents of the fruits”

The extra virgin olive oil is immediately filtered and stored in steel tanks, saturated with inert gases and stored in air-conditioned rooms

“nutraceutical effects”

Rich in polyphenols, extra virgin olive oil is a healthy food with strong nutraceutical properties that help prevent cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders and improve blood sugar levels.

Our Olive Groves


Tenuta Severini extends for approximately 44 hectares and the Boccafolle hill with its 12 hectares, at 380 meters above sea level, represents the main nucleus of the company. There are as many as 4800 olive plants of different cultivars: Carolea, Nocellara del Belice, Roggianella and numerous other typically Italian cultivars. Carolea is the typical cultivar of the Calabrian territory, present in the area since the 8th century BC. and for this reason, often defined as "Calabrian". The winds that caress the Boccafolle hill protect the plants from diseases caused by humidity. Surrounding it are fig and grapefruit trees and a grove of oak trees to guarantee the production variety.


The fund called "Le Ferrieri", closer to the town, is located a short distance from Boccafolle. Here the trees of our Tondella (better known as Roggianella) live, a native variety typical of the area which gives our oil a strong territorial imprint.