Cultivation in full respect of Nature
In the care of our land we encourage the growth of spontaneous herbs, protecting the soil from erosive phenomena and stimulating greater fertility, through the accumulation of organic substances, determined by the practice of permanent grassing, in compliance with the dictates set out in the integrated production regulations .
Our olive grove is surrounded by oak woods and numerous fruit trees such as fig trees, cherries, black cherries, grapefruit and quinces, to guarantee not only the production variety but also biodiversity.
The winds that caress the Boccafolle hill preserve the plants from diseases caused by humidity.
The constant presence in the field guarantees continuous monitoring of the health of the fruits and their integrity, allowing us to define the most suitable moment for harvesting, based on the stage of ripening of the fruits and the characteristics of the oil we want to obtain. Our goal is to produce an oil whose organoleptic properties best express the aromas of the cultivated varieties from which it is obtained and whose compositional characteristics are a guarantee of a truly healthy and nutraceutical product, worthy of being considered among the best Extra Virgin Olive Oils.